The Magick of the Lioness and the Candle
Leo Full Moon (surprise) Rite 2021
Wow, Leo is sneaky. Verrrrry sneaky. I thought I had made it out the wood this last moon cycle, but I broke all the way down on the last night. I maybe overzealously purchased a thicker candle and over anointed it. Or it could have been the crystal grid I giddily put together like an art project; unbeknownst to me, real magick was at play. And so I underestimated the slick wick of the candle and the sparkle of the rocks on my desk. For nearly two weeks, I underestimated them until the last night before the tide of the new moon began.
I was burning my candle a bit each day, and I had made sure to write a tooooooon of words on there. Actually, I crammed as much as I could fit on there. No shame, I’m getting my money’s worth outta this $10 candle. This was my first time doing candle magick. I have been told by my guides to use Google as a confirmation, so I didn’t do any research about it. Maybe that was a mistake.
Fast forward, it’s like the 8th of Feb., and I’m lighting the candle for the last time. Almost immediately, I get some messaging. And when I go to release the messaging, I release everrrrrrrything. And it felt like fucking everything.
I sobbed. I wept. I was a child again with snot down her nose. I fuckin drooled like my dog. And it was raw. So raw and powerful. My poor boyfriend was in the other room, lol. I’ve grown accustomed to prewarning him when gateways open or of certain planetary alignments to avoid me. If he didn’t listen to me before, he def got it now.
Maybe 20 mins, maybe longer, I broke down – tbh I can’t remember. I came out of my cave red-eyed and puffy to see the candle extinguished. Its work was done.
At the start of the full moon, I lacked confidence in my messaging that had once been so strong. I lacked the confidence I needed in myself in so many areas. I am grateful the Lioness came to me to guide me during the past couple of weeks. She is brilliant, powerful, and stealthy, but by far, she is most nurturing.
I can say that after this ritual, I am more powerful than ever. It feels good to reconnect a bit at a time. I can also say almost immediately (a day or two), my channel cleared right up after months of foggy messaging. I can’t even tell Mercury is in retrograde.
The power of transformation and transmutation is powerful and needed within us to heal Gaia. May ventures and workings be under her/our healing.
Until Eternity,
Tiffany Love