The great mother spirit of the salish

The great mother spirit of the salish

Easter 2021

Although I was feeling much better after my trip to the portal on the equinox, it didn’t last long. In less than a week, quarrel met me once again on my doorstep, this time wearing the face of my father. I was spent and couldn’t deal with it and asked my partner too. One thing led to the next, and turmoil spilled into chaos. And suddenly, clarity. I had clarity.

The next day, Easter, I awoke knowing I was not going to be spending it with my overtly religious folks after the events of the previous evening. That day I awoke knowing it was a day I would spend with nature in communion, and on a whim, my partner I ventured to the cliffs so that I could once again be where land met sea.

Although my partner has lived in WA for nearly four years, he still is new to the state. He hasn’t ventured far outside of the county of King, and I was low-key ecstatic to show him even with the bullshit from the previous day. After a while on the trip, I felt someone wanting to commune with me. At this point, I just didn’t want any guidance but silence. To enjoy my adventure and to just not think momentarily. As we passed through the farmlands, I assume once flourished with wildlife, on the way to our destination, we passed acres of daffodils. Comforted by their presence, I relaxed into the mysteries the day would bring. 

We arrived at a small quintessential lake we had not been anticipating. It was perfect, quiet, and serene. I was extremely thankful for all the churchgoers that day. To have been tied up with their beliefs so that I could enjoy this day of peace and solitude. Who knew Easter was actually a day for me?

My partner and I quickly separated paths. He climbed into the woods off the trail while I followed the path down towards the water. Soon after, I found the most perfect nook to sit on the water, took off my shoes, and began to earth. It was at this moment I was greeted by the Great Mother Spirit of the Salish people. She offered me nurturing, love and grace, and I was ever grateful to have been enveloped in her embrace.

I ended that evening feeling calm, a calm I welcomed with open arms, everso grateful for the loving frequencies that flow through the universe.   


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